The London plane at the Bishop's Palace at Ely is open grown on the lawn; planted about 1680, its bole measures 9.2 metres in circumference.
Bishop's Palace, Ely, 2012
The huge London plane at Buckden sails above all the trees around it. When last measured, it was 33.5 m high.
Bishop's Palace, Ely, 2012
The London plane at Bishop's Palace in Ely has a massive bole. There is a hollowed out area in the bole where it has lost one of its main stems
Bishop's Palace, Ely, 2012
This photograph shows the site on the London plane at the Bishop's Palace where the tree has lost a main stem and where rot has created a passage from the break point to a side exit, in which another plant has begun to grow.
Bishop's Palace, Ely, 2012
Another view of the massive stem of this tree. It grows on the lawn close to a natural spring.
Bishop's Palace, Ely, 2012
Although open grown, there are several other well grown trees nearby, and two oriental planes of similar date at the other side of the garden.
Bishop's Palace, Ely, 2012
The stems of the London plane at the Bishop's Palace, Ely, have been braced with wires to help prevent damage in strong wind.
Bishop's Palace, Ely, 2012
Higher branches of the large London plane in the grounds of the Bishop's Palace.
Bishop's Palace, Ely, 2012